Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Writer's choice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Writer's choice - Term Paper Example (Independence, n.d.) His father, a candle and soap maker, wanted Benjamin to become a clergyman. Because his father did not have enough money, Benjamin only went to school for a year, apprenticed under his father, and eventually apprenticed for his half-brother, James, who owned a printing shop. Benjamin loved to write, but he never got a chance to publish his work. It was during this time that he wrote the fourteen famous letters from Silence Dogood, a secret character Franklin created for himself. The letters were sent to James’ printing house and published in The New-England Courant. When James found out Dogood was actually Benjamin, the siblings disagreed and the younger Franklin moved to Philadelphia. Benjamin consequently became the publisher for The Pennsylvania Gazette when he was about twenty-four years old (Hovde, 2002). He gained popularity for printing Poor Richard’s Almanac which contained weather forecasts, household tips, puzzles, etc. (Green & Stallybrass, 2006) There is a lot to tell about Benjamin Franklin since he dabbled in many industries when he was alive. Aside from being a renowned printer and writer, Benjamin Franklin was also a diplomat. He was the first United States Minister to France and served from 1778 – 1785. Scholar Leo Lemay referred to Franklin as â€Å"the most essential and successful American diplomat of all time.†(Green & Stallybrass, 2006) Not only was Benjamin Franklin adept in being a publisher and a diplomat. He was also a very brilliant inventor. During his lifetime, Franklin managed to create what is commonly known as bifocals, lightning rod, glass harmonica and Franklin stove. (Independence, n.d.) Three of these are still popular today. Bifocals are a type of eyeglasses which have upper and lower halves. The lower halves were usually used for reading or viewing things that are near, while the upper halves are used for looking at distant objects. As Franklin grew older,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Analysis of International Relations Theory
Analysis of International Relations Theory INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS THEORY Why do states behave the way they do in the international system? Some people argue that this is a question of international relations theory while others say it is a question of foreign policy theory[1]. For our purposes, we shall consider them as the same issue. The behaviour of the states is the central question which the theories of International Relations or theories of foreign policy are trying to answer. Various authors develop theory to explain the behaviour of ‘all states’ and not just ‘one state’ which leads to the problem. No single theory is able to encompass all states. Finding a universal pattern has evaded us so far and the various theories stated are only an attempt to get one theory which defines the behaviour of most of the states. Few of these theories are briefly touched upon in the following paragraphs. Realism. Realists believe that the international system is defined by anarchy. States are sovereign and thus autonomous of each other and no inherent structure or society can emerge or even exist to order relations between them. In International Relations, political realism is a tradition of analysis that stresses the imperatives states face to pursue a power politics of the national interest[2]. Realist emphasises the constraints on politics imposed by human selfishness (‘egoism’) and the absence of international government (‘anarchy’), which require ‘the primacy in all political life of power and security[3]. Classical realism. This is a state level theory that argues that all states search for power and this is the first and last principle of state behaviour. States seek to increase their power; they seek to decrease the power of their enemies; and everything they do is in the name of amassing power. States see other powerful states as rivals because power, when it is not in your hands, is threatening[4]. There can be peace. However, a durable peace is based upon a unwavering balance of power. If a state is not confident of winning a war, it generally will not start one. Neo-realism. This theory suggests a system that is an offshoot of classical realism. It agrees to all of what classical realism does. However, it sees the cause of all the power struggles and rivalries not as a function of the nature of states, but as a function of the nature of the international system[5]. States are considered as being alone in the arena of the world. There is no world government or a set up looking out for other states. There are no rules that can’t be broken. The world is in a set of lawlessness and states do what they can get away with in order to gain power. States do what they must to protect themselves. This theory dominates scholarly thinking today and is sometimes referred to in respect of the international relations prevalent in South Asia[6]. Neo-Classical realism. This theory is in a way restoration of classical realism. It accepts all about power rivalries, but it suggests that state characteristics (state level variables) play a major role in the behaviour of states. States don’t just search for power. They do not simply fear other powerful states but there are reasons that states seek power and there are reasons that states fear other states. It’s a sort of combination of classical realism and neo-realism that factors in both system level and state level variables. Liberalism. The Liberalism theory adds values into the equation. It is often called idealism. It is a state level theory which argues that there is a lot of cooperation in the world, not just rivalry. States don’t just compete or worry about power. States try to build a more just world order. For liberals, peace is the normal state of affairs. In Kant’s words, peace can be perpetual[7]. Neo-liberalism. This is an offshoot of liberalism. It is a system level translation of liberalism and focuses on the way in which institutions can influence the behaviour of states by spreading values or creating rule-based behaviour[8]. Neo-liberals might focus on the role of the United Nations or World Trade Organization in shaping the foreign policy behaviour of states. Rationalism. This theory, like realism begins with anarchy but unlike realism, it acknowledges that the sense of belonging to the community of humankind has left its civilising mark upon the state and international relation[9]. Constructivism is a theory that examines state behaviour in the context of state’s characteristics. All states are distinctive and have a set of defining economic, political, social, religious or cultural characteristics that influence its foreign policy. States have identities and those identities characterise their behaviour in the international system. A late-twentieth-century addition to international relations, Constructivism has returned international relations scholars to the foundation questions including the nature of state and the concepts of sovereignty, identity and citizenship. In addition, it has opened new substantive areas to enquire such as role of gender and ethnicity which has been largely absent from other theories[10]. Marxism, Critical Theory, Post Modernism, Feminism, Green Politics, English School and Critical Theory are few other popular theories in regards to International theories. Each author is developing a theory in order to explain the behaviour of all states and not just few of them. Finding a common pattern of activity, common rules that can be used to explain why all state behave in a manner has not been possible so far. Hence, trying to analyse the relations between two countries on the datum of these existing theory will not be doing justice. Scholars see several levels of analysis through which state behaviour can be examined and these form the basis of IR theories itself. These levels shall be discussed in the following paragraphs. Levels of Analysis System level. This level of analysis examines state behaviour by looking at the international system. In this level of analysis, the international system acts as the cause which leads to the effect of state behaviour. Any change in the international system causes change in state behaviour. State level. This level of analysis examines the foreign policy behaviour of states in terms of state’s characteristics. The state’s characteristics foreign policy may be simply manifestation of its cultural characteristic or may be defined by the religious or social traditions, historical legacy of the state, the economic nature and geographic nature of the state. Organisational level. This level of analysis examines the way in which organisations within state influence foreign policy behaviour. If this level is dominant, the States does not make decisions. Organisations negotiate with each other to create a foreign policy that is a settlement between competing organisations. Individual level. This level of analysis focuses on people. Since people are the ones who make decisions within nation states, therefore, it can be said that it is these people who govern foreign policy. This level of analysis explains foreign policy by looking at the way leaders understand /perceive the world. Although all scholars acknowledge the utility of paying attention to levels of the analysis, they differ on how many levels are useful in explaining events. Most political scientists apply between three and six levels[11]. For the purpose of this paper, above four levels will be considered for the analysis of Indo-Sri Lankan relations. [1] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14. http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/468theory.htm> [2] Burchill,Scott, et al. Theories of International relations. Third Edition. 2005. New York. Palgrave Macmilan.P 29 [3] Ibid. P 30 [4] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14. http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/468theory.htm> [5] Ibid. [6] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14. http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/468theory.htm> [7] Burchill,Scott , Linklater,Andrew, et al. Theories of International Relations. First edition. 1996. New York and London. Macmillam. .P 31 [8] Newmann,Bill. ‘A Brief Introduction to Theories on International Relations and Foreign Policy’. Retrieved on 02 Dec 14. http://www.people.vcu.edu/~wnewmann/468theory.htm> [9] Burchill,Scott , Linklater,Andrew, et al. Theories of International Relations. First edition. 1996. New York and London. Macmillam. .P 94 [10] Mingst, Karen and Arreguin-Toft, Ivan M. Essentials of International Relations. Fifth Edition.2011. New York and London. WW Norton Company. P84 [11] Mingst, Karen and Arreguin-Toft, Ivan M. Essentials of International Relations. Fifth Edition.2011. New York and London. WW Norton Company. P69
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Forever Changing Economy :: essays research papers
The Forever Changing Economy How easy is it for smaller business men to achieve the Aamerican dream. How to stop corporate domination. The question I pose to you is " Is the American Dream still achievable?" The opportunity is there but for what select few is the opportunity available to. If the resources are out there but I can't tap into the resources they rae of no use to me. (Make note of the fact that we live in a market economy. Just about every definition of the "market" in the dictionary connotes an oppurtunity as a place where goods are bought and sold.(cite dict.) As an abstraction, a market is the possibility of sale. Goods "find a market", and we say there is is a market for a service or commodity when there is a demand for it, which means it can and will be sold. Markets are opened to those who want to sell and a convenience for those looking to purchase.(cite 2) The market represents "conditions as regards, opportunity for, buying and selling".(cite 2) The market implies offering and choice. The way a market economy works is that there are market pressures that develop for different commodities. The pressures work in one direction for a while, but at the same time pressures are budding that work in the opposite direction. As people look forward and see there's going to be some profit made from their production, they'll make decisions to increase volume, usually hiring more people, buying more materials, often bidding up their prices. When people are competing in the same market, that tends to generate more and more pressure in the direction of expansion. But at the same time, as costs and possibly interest rates rise, pressures begin to operate in the other direction, against profits.(cite 1) The public as a whole must get their fair share of the benefits. Macroeconomic reforms should translate into a more efficient delivery of public services, equity, social welfare and social security.(cite 3) The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has released its findings on American living standards. The report, issued every other year on a decline that begsn in the late-1970's. The EPI's report also contends that the Americans are working more for less money because of slow growth in wages since 1989. According to the report, wages in the bottom 80% of men have declined since 1989. The report also contends that 20% of women have experienced a decline in trsl esgrd dincr the 1980's, a period in which wages fell but family income increased because of longer hours at work and increased participation of The Forever Changing Economy :: essays research papers The Forever Changing Economy How easy is it for smaller business men to achieve the Aamerican dream. How to stop corporate domination. The question I pose to you is " Is the American Dream still achievable?" The opportunity is there but for what select few is the opportunity available to. If the resources are out there but I can't tap into the resources they rae of no use to me. (Make note of the fact that we live in a market economy. Just about every definition of the "market" in the dictionary connotes an oppurtunity as a place where goods are bought and sold.(cite dict.) As an abstraction, a market is the possibility of sale. Goods "find a market", and we say there is is a market for a service or commodity when there is a demand for it, which means it can and will be sold. Markets are opened to those who want to sell and a convenience for those looking to purchase.(cite 2) The market represents "conditions as regards, opportunity for, buying and selling".(cite 2) The market implies offering and choice. The way a market economy works is that there are market pressures that develop for different commodities. The pressures work in one direction for a while, but at the same time pressures are budding that work in the opposite direction. As people look forward and see there's going to be some profit made from their production, they'll make decisions to increase volume, usually hiring more people, buying more materials, often bidding up their prices. When people are competing in the same market, that tends to generate more and more pressure in the direction of expansion. But at the same time, as costs and possibly interest rates rise, pressures begin to operate in the other direction, against profits.(cite 1) The public as a whole must get their fair share of the benefits. Macroeconomic reforms should translate into a more efficient delivery of public services, equity, social welfare and social security.(cite 3) The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has released its findings on American living standards. The report, issued every other year on a decline that begsn in the late-1970's. The EPI's report also contends that the Americans are working more for less money because of slow growth in wages since 1989. According to the report, wages in the bottom 80% of men have declined since 1989. The report also contends that 20% of women have experienced a decline in trsl esgrd dincr the 1980's, a period in which wages fell but family income increased because of longer hours at work and increased participation of
Thursday, October 24, 2019
As a Private Investigator
As a Private Investigator, my work is basically on the aspect of uncovering the truths and primarily using any means just to discover everything that I needed to know. With the use of observation or any particular thing that can help me pursue my investigation, I then carry out the cases that are to be investigated.The nature of my work would probably include the irregular time of work and that includes any time of the day, may it be during early in the morning, late in the evening, or even in holidays. This kind of system is just normal for investigators like me because for one, the subjects of my investigation process might not be available during the normal hours that's why we must be able to adjust to the time whenever they are availbale.In obtaining the facts, there different methods that can be used. We can use cellular phones, video or still cameras, computers, and others to get hold of the facts there we're up to. We can also attain necessary information by interviewing peopl e, doing several researches, and reviewing public documents.But for whatever facts we may acquire, we must verify them first to be sure that it is genuine or accurate for that matter. Apparently, as Private Investigators, we should be accountable for the things that we are investigating in. To sum it up, being a Private Investigator isn't that easy and a lot of hard work is really a necessary.For those who don't have any single idea on what being a Private Investigator is, I can somehow impart to them some important details on what this is all about.As for me, I strongly believe that this particular job is a kind of job wherein one can get innumerable satisfaction just by getting the information that are needed by our clients. This is a job wherein we help people with uncertainties who finds answers to the questions they badly need and want to know. Our duties, however, may always depend on our client's demand.In my work as a Private Investigator, I have my duties and responsibi lities to let the people, who don't have any clue on what it is to work as a Private Investigator but are interested to work in this kind of job, be aware of the necessary stuffs that come with this certain profession.They have to be mindful that in order to survive this work, they must be able to think on his or her feet which means he must be alert at all times whenever he or she's on his duty as a Private Investigator.An average working day for a person who has a profession like mine is normally spent scrutinizing things around me especially certain things which have something to do about the case that I'm working on.I usually deal with various environments and some of those are somehow dangerous in nature especially when a particular case involves confrontation. In cases such those, what I am just doing is just deal with that particular circumstance and the consequences that may arise.There is, however, a downside in this certain profession. Because at the end of the day, I some how felt weak for some reasons like not being able to be apreciated no matter how hard you worked for a certain case or simply just being tired because of the nature of the work itself.Yet no matter how hard or tiring my work may be, it is still overwhelming that after all my hard works and perseverance in the things I have done, I know for myself that I did my best to come up with a good job.A simple tap on my back from someone is such a big reward for me because it is just an evidence that I am being appreciated for the works I have done that entire day.Moreover, the most important thing about here is the respect I gain not only from my co-workers but entirely from the people who know the nature of my work as well.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reflection of Aggression Essay
People usually relate the behavior of others to their internal dispositions or to their external situations. A dispositional attribution pertains to the personality of a certain person, whereas a situational attribution pertains to the environmental conditions around an event. For example, if a child was bullying another, it could be considered a dispositional attribution because the kid is just naturally a bully and he has a low self-esteem, or it could be a situational attribution because the kid that he is bullying is annoying and he deserved it. Another cause of bullying is to impress other people. It is easier to bully someone when you have a group of people behind you. Because of social facilitation, people tend to improve their performance and want to better themselves in the presence of others.For some people, they consider making someone else feel bad a way to better themselves. A person that is normally not a bully may tend to become one in a group situation. Although it ma y not be part of someone’s personality to be a bully, this may change because of deindividuation. Because the rest of the group is doing something, a certain person feels more comfortable doing it as well. A kid that may not bully anyone on his own would go along with the crowd in bullying someone because of the loss of self-awareness in a group situation. Sometimes, people can be bullied for a certain reason that is extremely unethical. This is called a prejudice or a stereotype. These two things are unjustifiable attitudes toward a group of people that in many circumstances are not at all true. For example, a person or group of people could be bullied because of their race or culture. This would be called a prejudice because it is unjustifiable to be making fun of someone because of his or her color. Oftentimes, a person is bullied because someone else needs a person to take his or her anger out on. Sometimes, a person can just be a target for someone’s anger, or a person to blame. A person may be bullied just because someone else needs a person to blame an event on. Also, a person can take out their aggression on another person when it is caused by their inability to achieve a certain goal. This is called the frustration-aggression principle. No matter what the reason, bullying or making fun of someone is not the solution to a problem. Things should be thought out and considered before drastic action is taken against a certain person, or group of people.
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